suggestions for your site

1.X - we replaced trainings page with Trainings Gallery - copy captions and add pictures to the new Trainings gallery page  (as soon as you have deleted current trainings page you can remove 'gallery' from the title if you wish.  You may add text above or below the gallery section.  update link on the home page.)

2. X -students page: if this will also only be pictures, can it be combined with trainings gallery? afterwards you may delete this page

3. when you have more than 25 pictures in a gallery page you can begin a new gallery - organise pages by year or type of training or school...

4.X -Home page: 'networking and sharing among teachers'  - create a page with upcoming workshops for teachers ... this could be a slideshow page (add special page in overview screen)  - update the link on the home page.

5. X -home page:  ICT videos link to 'Tutorials' should be updated to the tutorials page we made: You need to add the content to this page with links to the sub pages.

6. home page: materials for ict lessons - you can leave this as is until the page with downloads is ready to publish, then this can become a link to that page

7. X -home page section : our support to students - when you delete the students page, these links will be broken- so you should remove the links using the 'unlink' (image of chain link with small x) in the tool bar.

Although I suggested you combine the students page with trainings,  that was only if it was going to be a few pictures of students in your classes. But of course if you do have more text content that you planned to add, then you may add such a page and link to it. The important thing is to think about how to organize your content - it is better to have a longer page separated by horizontal lines if the content is similar than to have a lot of pages on your menu but it is not clear what the page is for.

If you do end up with several sets of pictures for different trainings, different schools or years you might want to create a menu item 'galleries' or 'images' and make those all subpages at the next level.

8. X -Replace small letter s in page titles of MS Word, MS Excel, MS Powerpoint, and MS Access

9. X - Add content to pages 'Files' and Online lessons.  These can be placed as sub pages under a menu item 'other resources' or something similar. When they are ready they can be published and linked to.

10X- download  the image 'work-3938876_1920 copy 1.jpeg' and add your text 'ICT Skills in simple steps' to the image - when you are happy with the result you can upload this new image to your files area with a new name and replace the image currently on your site.  I am adding the photo credit to your copyright page.

11. The full width image on the contact us page was distorted - I made a copy 'training banner', cropped it a bit more at the top and re-inserted it on that page.  It was still quite a large size so I allowed some distortion - from 1920 x 870 I made it 1900 x 700 - which is still noticeable on my screen, but not as bad.  You could still crop out the projector - but if you have other pictures that allow you to crop more out (without cutting peoples heads off!) you might find another image that works well.

12.X- I noticed you used the image with the mouse as a logo on your site... I think since you have website slogan already under your name, that doesn't need to be on the logo image. You could change the logo to be as square as possible since we are now using the other image for the About Us page - or you could remove the logo for now... until you have one you like...


Good Work!





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